Finally the haunted house industry has come together to formulate the one and only association for the professional haunted house owner and operator. Over the past few years (HHA) has been funding a national public relations effort for the entire haunted house industry. Single handed the HHA has increased the national awareness of the industry and raised the amount of patrons who attend haunts. HHA will now roll out an entire program for the industry industry, and will introduce new bylaws, a board, and much more at the first even National Haunted House Tradeshow (www.HauntShow.com)
A new website will be replacing the old one and additionally new logos everything when the new association rolls out for the whole industry. Finally industry professionals will have a new voice for their industry. As we stated last year HHA promote national PR. Here is video of one of those efforts on Fox News Coast to Coast… Join the haunted house association today and support professionals!